Random quotes

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears different drummer, let him step to the music he hears, however measured or faraway. - Thoreau

If something is impossible, it is probably not necessary.

How is it to feel tinglingly alive and exhilarated, unbelievably lucky and fortunate?

People change and grow in response to challange.

Get your rear in gear.

Life is good and life is bad, there is much evidence on both sides.

Accept the person, but not their bad behavior.

Trouble with people is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so many things that ain't so.

You can't think about what you don't want to think about without thinking about it.

Where attention goes, energy flows.

Only way we resist change is counciously.

Confusion is a state just before we learn something new.

No confusion...no learning.

To change, be prepared to give up successes of old ways.

Ultimate tragic mistake is belief that your perceptions are a description of what reality actually is.

Once you realize that the world in which you are living is completely made up, you can make up whole new world that benefits everyone including you.

Instead of looking for "what's wrong" and fixing it, think of ways life can be enriched.

What are you going to evolve yourself to become today?

When you hesitate, you act as if you are immortal.

Always do something representative of your full potential as a person, you can afford no less as your last act in this world.

Imagine...let it happen...or may be just pretend.

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