Adventures of my lovely (echo x infinity) friend

Adventures of my lovely (echo x infinity) friend

Theres a friend of mine
she's got demons to slay
One slash here and one slash there
they keep popping up everywhere

Just the other day
on the way to Olympus, she met
Belphegor, Yan-gant-y-tan,
Behemoth and Leviathan

She crosses Acheron, everyday
Sisyphus for company
Both rolling stones
forever and ever and ever

then one day she decided
to tell sisyphus
to take care of his rocks
and to leave her alone


*Belphegor, demon of discoveries and of ingenious inventions,must be
worshipped on a toilet, with offerings being the residue of ones'
digestion. Fart is supposed to be him, and the way my friend keeps
discovering and inventing terrible things to happen to her, he's the guy
I am sure she's pally with.

Yan-gant-y-tan wanders the nights in Finistere & is considered an evil
omen among the Bretons. French, they have a place called Finistere 'land's end',
i like the name and he's bad omen, as may be the case with the
friend in question. Thats it.

Behemoth and Leviathan :One monstor split in two, Leviathan was a large
whale-like sea creature, who may have had 7 heads, who cares, more the
merrier, anyway she'd say it had million gazillion heads anyway.

Behemoth, a spirit of the desert, possibly derives from the Egyptian for
"water buffalo" or from the Egyptian deity, Taueret, about whom the
Greek historian, Herodotus wrote. The term "Behemoth" in the Hebrew is
the plural form of the very common "behemah" referring to a beast of use
to humans or a dumb animal. Her pet.

Very unlikely that anyone will meet these creatures on the way to any
mountains, yet she manages somehow.

Acheron: the river of woes, on the way to hell (cute). I am not sure
that she just crosses it, I think she may be taking frequent dips just
for the heck of it.

Sisyphus (I like this character): This guy is quite a character, he is
one crafty sonofabitch. First he is supposed to have leaked designs of
gods to mortals, he is supposed to be in the habit of attacking and
murdering travellers. He trapped one of the guys whose job is to take
away souls, Thanatos, poor guy came to take Sisyphus' soul, so no one
died till some other bloke (Ares) came and freed him.

This crafy chap told his wife that when he was gone she was not to offer
the usual sacrifice to the dead. So in the underworld he complained that
his wife was neglecting her duty, and he persuaded Hades to allow him to
go back to the upper world and expostulate with her. But when he got
back to Corinth he positively refused to return, until forcibly carried
off by Hermes.

In the underworld Sisyphus was compelled to roll a big stone up a steep
hill; but before it reached the top of the hill the stone always rolled
down, and Sisyphus had to begin all over again. As a result of this,
pointless, interminable activities are described as Sisyphean. And that
what she seem to be doing all the time, rolling the stone.

I promised an epic, I think the footnote more than justifies my word.

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