Tonight I Felt like God

The sky tonight was
lit up in supernal fireworks.
Lightening zapped from all directions.
It was one hallowed show.
Not a single moment passed
when lightening was not seen weaving
the darkened sky.
Oh how can I tell you of my joy
of seeing amazing diamonds
in all different colours there are
as far as eyes could see:
The rain drops suspended
caught in a flashy fleeting moment.
The diamonds had the life of their own.
They danced a divine dance.
A dance to the magical symphony.
The symphony of thunder's rumble,
a rumble as deep as a million cellos,
playing from soul's depth
and percussion of falling rain drops
in the little puddles,
and bouncing off the every leaf
of every trees in the garden.
And wind, how can it not join in
and play heavenly flutes?
Yes tonight I feel like God
for who else could this celestial show unfold?

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